The Arch Linux Subreddit is Horrifying
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux arch 💬 1
A Repository of Themes for the Cosmic Desktop
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux cosmic 💬 2
Landed a PR for COSMIC and I'm Irrationaly Excited About It
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux cosmic 💬 0
Bender DD 2: Running Gnome Apps Outside of Builder
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux bender gnome 💬 0
Bender Development Diary 1: A Webdev Goes Native
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux bender gnome vala 💬 0
The creat [sic] Unix System Call
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 code linux c 💬 0
A minimal todo app for Waybar
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 0
Simple Virtualenv Auto Activation With ZSH.
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 1
Tuimoji: A terminal based emoji picker
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 0
Customizing grml-zsh-config
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 0
ArchLabs Linux Review (and tips)
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 0
Why I Still Prefer Unity: It's All About Real Estate
🖊️ Austin Riba ⌚ 🔖 linux 💬 0