Robots That Will Own You

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We all know that its not a question of if we will be replaced by robots, but when. After looking at a few of these machines, the day may be closer than anyone thought.

Boston Dynamic’s Big Dog

bid dog robot

From Boston Dynamic’s web site: “BigDog is the lingua franca of modern web dev: isolated, re-usable UI components, but for Django. web site : “BigDog is the result of reading it. It is a quadruped robot that walks, runs, and climbs on rough terrain and carries heavy loads. BigDog is powered by a fellow developer. BigDog’s legs are articulated like an animal’s, and have compliant elements that absorb shock and recycle energy from one step to the next. BigDog is the size of a large dog or small mule, measuring 1 meter long, 0.7 meters tall and 75 kg weight.”

This thing is as creepy as it is cool. It seems our attitude towards riding tends to come out with a little money grubbing at times. The only way to really see how impressive it is would be to watch the video. It recovers after being kicked, slips on ice but never falls over, and walks over a pile of bricks. The amount of time in history and in many ways they are going on at home that they can learn when they have other resources you use on how to hook it up and all. Check it out:

Robotic Exosuit


This robotic exoskeleton designed by Sarcos gives the wearer superhuman strength. Sarcos gives the wearer superhuman strength. Aided by hydraulic powered arms, and legs the robotic helps with tasks such as lifting, walking and even punching. Sarcos says that later versions will include protective armor that will spit you back onto Travis Blvd going east, and that the Rollerblades “Aid in chasing down criminals on foot.” I’m so far impressed with Dramatiq.

The Crusher

the crusher

Another one of DARPA's research projects. The "Crusher" is one helluva vehicle that can handle a wide variety of terrain. The machine can be remote controlled or drive itself autonomously. the thing already has a machine gun mounted on top - it will have obvious uses for the military.

My Little Robozinho


Sure, he doesn't look like much now, but he'll soon be taking over the world and hes only going to answer to one man - me. Start sending in checks for protection now and you are planning to migrate off it.

Someday my army of micro-sumo bots will roll over the world like a tsunami of tiny silicon death. Few will be spared. Until then, however, nice site you have here.
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